The Impact of Responding to Google Reviews
1. Boosting your Online Reputation by increasing your average star ranking
And we know that :
For every one per cent increase in your reply rate, your rating will increase by 0.13 per cent.
2. Improving Local SEO by enhancing your rank
Google favours active engagement on its platforms. By responding to reviews, businesses signal relevance and activity, which can positively impact their local search rankings. This, in turn, helps drive organic traffic to the Google Business Profile listings, drives more conversion (because of higher impression volume) and hence footfall to physical locations. Which boosts local turnover. Too fluffy again? No worries…
We did the maths on it :
For every one per cent increase in your reply rate, both your impressions and your actions will increase by 0.31 per cent.
3. Building Trust and Credibility by being on top of your reviews
We found that :
For 90% of our customers, there is a negative correlation between the length of time it takes to respond to reviews.
Challenges in Larger Organisations when Replying to Reviews
In larger organisations, responding to Google Reviews poses unique challenges, including:
- Scale and Volume: With multiple locations and a higher volume of reviews, it becomes increasingly difficult to monitor and respond to each review promptly and effectively. Language can start to become a problem as well if customers have international operations. Check out our AI review replying functionality if this is you.
- Coordination and Communication: Siloed structures and lack of communication between departments can hinder timely response to reviews. Each department may have its own priorities and protocols, leading to inconsistencies in messaging and responsiveness.
- Resource Allocation: Limited resources, both in terms of manpower and time, can hinder the organisation’s ability to allocate dedicated personnel to manage and respond to reviews across all locations effectively.
Joint Responsibility among Departments
To overcome these challenges and maximise the benefits of responding to Google Reviews, collaboration among operations/retail, customer care, and the marketing team is crucial. Here’s why:
- Operations/Retail: Frontline staff have valuable insights into customer experiences at physical locations. Collaborating with them ensures that responses are informed, context-aware, and aligned with the brand’s values and standards.
- Customer Care: Customer care teams are equipped to handle customer inquiries and complaints across various channels. Integrating Google Reviews into their workflow ensures prompt responses and effective resolution of issues, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction. Replying to negative reviews sometimes requires a professional approach. We have seen companies where customer care teams are responsible for replying to one and two-star reviews.
- Marketing Team: The marketing team plays a pivotal role in shaping the brand’s online presence and reputation. By incorporating Google Reviews into their omnichannel marketing strategy, they can leverage positive feedback as social proof and address negative feedback proactively, thereby enhancing the brand’s image. Also, with the proof points above, they will ensure their time investment increases organic visibility and conversion.
In conclusion, replying to Google Reviews is not just about customer service; it’s a strategic imperative for omnichannel marketers. By actively engaging with reviews and fostering a culture of responsiveness across departments, organisations can enhance their online reputation, improve local SEO, and build trust and credibility with customers. In today’s digital landscape, where every interaction matters, embracing the power of review management is essential for staying ahead of the competition and driving business growth.
Read more about local SEO in our search blog.